Joining a new company can indeed be a stressful time. However, there are steps HR managers can take to turn it into a seamless experience. Here’s how.×420.jpg
Get the credentials ready
Having to stare at a computer as you wait for IT at a web design development company to bring you the login details is not only a time waster, but it makes for an awkward situation. The best approach is to have every facet of the integration process ready. If there are forms they need to fill in and sign, have a file prepared for them, along with other credentials they might need. There are fantastic apps that you can use to have someone sign their contract automatically, that way they are ready to get to work on the first day.
Have a schedule for them
Preferably to be sent a few days prior, a program of who the new employee ought to meet is helpful. That’s especially if it’s people they can look up in advance so that they know the context. It also lets them make mental notes of where they need to be and at what time. Ensure that you space out the meeting; that allows them to get started on the first week instead of being knee-deep in meetings and overwhelmed.
Create a portable sitemap
If you’re in a big office, you can share with the new employee a pocket size laminated map of the office. That way when you’re not around, they can move to the next meeting instead of having to ask and look even more of a newcomer. The process of standing out is hard enough; it is better when they have some autonomy to move around.
Let everyone in advance
The purpose of alerting other employees about another team member coming on board is not to put them in the spotlight. It is let others know to be more accommodating should help be required of them. Equally, should they need a quick chat they know when to. They will also know to rope them into a meeting or email thread if it’s relevant to them. That means having their email address automatically added into the system well in advance.
Appoint a partner
If you’re the HR manager it is likely you have other needs vying for your attention. You can, therefore, appoint someone (or let them volunteer) to be a buddy as the person gets settled. Aim to have someone with an outstanding attitude as they’re likely to be asked a ton of questions and have to carve out time of their schedule to explain.
Have them set their KPIs
After explaining the organization and their role, have a chat of what their goals are. Be detailed, including adding the point people and when the due date is. By setting this up, the new employee will have a structure to work on from as they will likely be overwhelmed in the first few weeks. Set another meeting to see their progress and if the role has been understood.