Employee retention is one of the key issues facing businesses of all sizes. We know that turnover is expensive – two and a half times an employee’s annual salary – more for a managerial level employee. Many think money is the key motivated, but it isn’t. People leave their managers, not their companies. Do you conduct yourself in a professional manner or do you:
Intimidate your employees – yell at people, throw tantrums in meetings, belittle people
Take credit for what others do, never accept blame when things go wrong
Micromanage, distrust people
Betray confidences, gossip and spread rumors
Constantly criticize, fail to praise your employee’s good work
Withhold important information or resources for the success of the project, job, etc.
Play favorites, inconsistently enforce policies and procedures
Act superior – do not ask for other’s opinions or suggestions
Set unreasonable deadlines
Have poor communication skills, i.e. use humor inappropriately, swear, etc.
If you’ve answered “yes” to any of the above, it’s time to take stock of your behavior and resolve to make changes to more effectively manage your employees.
You can:
Seek professional assistance if you have anger management issues.
Take a leadership training seminar or class to learn appropriate managerial behaviors
Live by the golden rule “Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You!”
Don’t let negative behavior drive your valuable employees out of the company!