A new year always brings a chance to start over, and wipe the slate clean. Why not kick start it with looking at your career path?
Many people look for new professional settings. You are certainly not alone in that.
However, looking for a new career path can often be a scary situation. Many do not know how to start looking. While the job market has improved in recent years, people often have questions.
Don’t worry. We have your answers.
First and foremost, you need to decide what career you want to turn to. If you’re just coming out of school, talk to your career counseling center. The staff will talk with you about your interests and guide you on a path towards a career that you will enjoy.
If you are still in school, you probably don’t know where your career goals lie. But, that should not be looked at as a problem.
Look into opportunities to either volunteer or work in the field you are considering. The school staff can inform you about internships, and any other possibility to get your foot in the door.
Getting the field experience is crucial in today’s job market. You may have the grades. But, if you don’t know the intricacies of the particular job, your chances of getting it are slim.
But, regardless of whether you are a new college graduate or are older, the possibilities are endless. You have plenty of options.
If you aren’t happy with your current career, it is never too late to make a change. Many adults are going back to college to find other careers. There are several reasons for doing so.
If you are like many, you may feel burned out in your current position. If that happens, stop trying to make excuses.
It’s your mind’s way of telling you to make a change. Stop going to a job you hate.
You may also be in a position where salary is based on experience. In those cases, you will be paid based on what you know.
As a result, it might behoove you to go back to school. You can always go for your master’s degree while still working.
Of course, if you really don’t like your job, you can talk with a career counselor to discuss your current interests.
Sure, you did the same thing in college. But, as with many people, their tastes change – personally and professionally. Don’t try to stick-it-out just because it pays the bills.
If you don’t like the job, you won’t do it well, and you might have a problem with the boss later. Is it really worth the risk?
Remember – many schools offer the ability to take classes online. If your local school offers similar opportunities, you will be able to learn while working, and taking care of the family.
Once you are confident that you have the skills for a new job or career, it is time to start showcasing yourself. However, proceed with caution.
Granted, you have your resume, which is great. However, in today’s world, that is not enough.
Most people also have social media pages. Whether you are on Facebook Twitter, Instagram, or all of the above, make sure you clean up your pages.
Like it or not, employers are looking at your social media presence. Often times, they will look at these pages before they even contact you. If they don’t like what they see, they won’t even bother.
While you don’t need to make your page look professional, it is imperative that you make every page of yours kid-friendly. If you wouldn’t let a young child see your page, don’t let your future boss see it either.
Make sure you clean out everything that might be considered risque. After all, they will see the page before they see you. So, make sure your first impression is a great one.
Starting a new job or career can often be a cumbersome experience. There is often a lot of things to do and re-do. However, getting the knowledge you need, and making a good first impression will often set you in the right direction.