Are you looking to earn extra money through a part-time job at home? Working from home can be quite a convenience for single mothers, homemakers, freelancers, students etc. On the other hand, dividing your attention between your work and family can require planning and organizing skills. In this article, we discuss some of the ways you can strike a healthy balance between your life and part-time career.
A rested mind and a healthy body can do wonders to your work output
Life needs its own form of rest. Leaving your mind to work constantly for 8 to 10 hours a day can leave you mentally and physically tired. Make it a practice to step outside from your desk, every couple of hours or so and stretch your shoulders to get the blood moving. It’s important to eat fruits and vegetables to keep fit while taking power naps when necessary to work optimally. Treat yourself to a vacation once or twice a year to ensure your mind isn’t clogged with work all the time.
The lifestyle changes to make as a working student
If you are a graduate trying to maintain an active academic year at your university while working a part-time job, then you know that time is precious. Some ways you can ease your burden are:
- If possible, take up a part-time job within your university, you can save time on traveling
- Many universities offer internship programs, these often transform into full-fledged careers
- Let your employer know that you are studying, this can lead to flexibility with your work hours
Finally, you have to accommodate mental stamina for the requirement of shuffling two endeavors. Find ways to relieve stress in between study and work such as a round of sports, socializing, etc.
Challenges to overcome as an employed mom
Being a working mom can bring its own share of stress and guilt of not being with your child. Instead of worrying, re-prioritize your life with a few of these tips.
- Discuss your feelings with support groups or blogs related to working moms
- Pick an online part-time job, many offer lucrative career options
- Keep a family schedule that you adhere to for all the mundane tasks such as preparing breakfast, diaper-changing, etc.
Enlist yourself in an online job listing site to work-at-home while having a watchful eye on your precious child. Read on this guide to know the dangers of fraudulent online jobs and tips on finding genuine job portals
Beware! Not all Job Listing Sites Are Legitimate
As the saying goes, ‘if it’s too good to be true, it probably is’. While searching for a job online, you may come across many companies offering to pay you a lump sum $1000-$2000 a week for simple hourly jobs such as data entry, typing jobs, etc. These are known as scams and will require some form of upfront payment from you to begin. Some rules to keep in mind while doing online job hunt:
- Legitimate employers do not ask for a starting fee without offering premium services
- Avoid companies that promise to send you a starter kit after payment
- Never enter credit card information when the site does not offer any secure payment portals
- Odd jobs such as stuffing envelopes, making candles at home, etc. are always a bad idea
How to tell if a company is actually offering legitimate premium job services for a fee?
A quick way to know if a job listing company is legit or not is by visiting their contact page. A physical address and a contact number add credibility to independent companies. You should proceed to contact the company and verify their claims by checking online for positive testimonies.
Take FlexJobs for example, a company that offers jobs to professionals for a fee. The fee is charged to ensure:
- Absolutely no advertisements on the site
- Always refer you to genuine clients while filtering out fraudulent job postings
- Professional portfolio hosting to upload your resumes and work samples
- Personalized e-mail alert system to notify you on job postings
- Smart search engine to determine your job type and match you with clients accordingly
Reviews made by prominent members is a good way to judge if a site is legitimate or not.
‘You are not your Work’
Always keep your professional life separate from your personal life to maintain a happy lifestyle. Although, it’s not easy to switch your mind from work to play in a matter of a few seconds; this requires some practice and mental strength. Bringing your work to your bed can have stressful and unpleasant scenarios.
It’s important to block your work during personal time and slip into a casual mood.
Bio: Mauricio is the lead Cloud expert at, a data and user feedback driven comparison engine for cloud storage, online backup and VPN apps and services. In addition, he also loves producing educational videos and reviews to help people get the best services for their needs. Get in touch with him on LinkedIn.